We are a team of creatives, trained and skilled professionals in the field of Video Production, Multi-media and Marketing. With over fifteen years of experience working on several projects with large organisations such as SWMCOL, U.S.C., N.E.S.C, N.I.H.E.R.S.T., UDCOTT, T&TEC, SCOTIA BANK, ISM, ISS, Sagicor and other private companies. We understand service and that every client needs personal attention! Our goal is to bring Innovation, Creativity & Uniqueness to every project!!

It’s Critical To Think Digital

We work with our clients to create and share video content, giving them a voice and a story to tell. By incorporating our highly skilled team and forward thinking technology into cross-platform productions, you can be certain that your goal will be achieved.

CEO / Director

The name A.K.U.A. ( Artistic Knowledge Under the Anointing Ltd) was birthed in the heart of the C.E.O. of this company, Akua George, by his seeking after spiritual knowledge from God. His desire grew while he worked in the field of Multi-Media as an editor at E.S.L. (Entertainment Services Live).
Akua has built his knowledge and skill acquiring certificates in video production, motion graphics, web design, and audio production.